As part of our 12 year anniversary month, we are organizing our second 5k race, in conjunction with Liberty Township’s own BC’s Bottle Lodge and Rhinegeist, one of the most recognizable brands in greater Cincinnati, to be held on June 2, 2018, at 11:00 a.m. ALL PROCEEDS FOR THIS EVENT WILL BE GOING TO CHARITY. Our two charities are Children’s Hospital and Carlie’s Animal Relief Foundation. Sponsorship opportunities are still available; please ask Tony for more information.
Here are the details~
WHAT: A fun, family-friendly event for the entire community. We will be running/walking approximately 3.1 miles, around the immediate vicinity of Adrenaline Sports & Fitness. There will be plenty of post-race options from local beer and food vendors. [Please bring valid ID if you plan to drink alcohol]
WHERE: The race will start and finish at Adrenaline Sports & Fitness.
WHEN: June 2, starting at 11:00 am. There will be one wave of runners at 11:00, with walkers at 11:20.
WHO: Any man, woman or child (no pets or non-humans).
COST: Individual runners are $25; families of two adult and at least one child are $40. Included in the registration is freshly-tapped Rhinegeist beer choices and a t-shirt of the event.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Registration form is below.
Families (two adults plus at least one child):
Here is a quick video recap of our last race in 2016: