Some thoughts on strength training for kids…

originally written on September 21, 2010.

I was recently watching a group of kids struggling the other day and was trying to figure out why. Was the drill too tough? Were they too tired? Did I not coach it correctly? As I left that night, I came to the conclusion that there could have been any number of reasons, but the fact that they were all physically not as strong as they should be stuck out more than anything else.

In looking at our program design layout, you will notice that we always perform strength and power training after our movement skills. Effective and efficient movement of the body is priority number one. However, I am convinced that movement patterns, especially speed, will only be reinforced and improved through gaining strength. So, I am going to modify our training protocols to include more strength than we have before.

Here are some thoughts as to why strength training is so good for young kids:

1) Before the onset of puberty and during puberty, the Central Nervous System can be thought of as mold-able, or plastic. It is still capable of being introduced to a stimulus, adapting and starting the process of changing relatively quickly. Older athletes and adults are capable of this also but not at the level of young children. These tools will form the foundation for which further changes can occur.

2) We can move a kid as we strengthen them. Typically, strength training is limited to the space of the equipment in use, but in our world of bands, sleds, climbing, crawling, etc, the movement patterns and the strength patterns happen simultaneously. An example would be a walking sled press instead of a bench press, or a sled march instead of a squat. That doesn’t mean we will not use those exercises, but there are options beside the traditional means.

3) While it is a cliche, balance of the body is important for performance and injury prevention. Generally, balance will involve front/back, side/side and top/bottom; it will not always mean an equal ratio, however. For instance, our baseball players will always perform 2 to 3 posterior upper body movements for every anterior movement. Runners may perform more hip extension than hip flexion. Jiu Jitsu players and wrestlers may do core work on their backs more often than a football player. Once the body is looked at Generally, it can be broken down Specifically and Competitively based on the demands and needs of the sport.

My friends Jim and Justin from Gracie Jiu Jitsu Cincinnati.
My friends Jim and Justin from Gracie Jiu Jitsu Cincinnati.


4) Strength, more than any other motor skill, seems to have the greatest transfer to improvements in all other motor skills. As strength improves, acceleration, deceleration, jump height, jump distance, and speed typically improve. Couple that with proper teaching of the mechanics of movement, and the athlete is poised to be a dangerous weapon.

5) Similar to #4, as strength improves, force production and force absorption also improve. Sports, in the big picture, rely on producing and absorbing forces, either into the ground, an object, or a person. Take running for example: As an athlete accelerates, he/she must be able to apply enough force into the ground to create the desired speed over a desired distance. If they are not strong (enough), they will not get to where the want to go as fast as they should (this is a very simple overview). Conversely, if they need to decelerate and change direction, they must be able to control their bodyweight, absorb any forces needed and slow down momentum, and possibly re-accelerate.

6) Many times strength is measured by how much an athlete lifts in the weight room, and rightly so. If Athlete A squats 400 and Athlete B squats 300, Athlete A is stronger…or is he? In powerlifting, that is true. Weight room strength is a tool that must be able to transfer into sport. Much has been debated about how weightlifters and powerlifters can hang with sprinters for the first10-20 yards of a race based on their strength levels, but don’t win the race. That is for another time, but strength for strength’s sake is only as good as the degree of transfer. Athletes should see a positive correlation between improved strength and improved performance. Also of importance is the concept of relative strength. There are a few interpretations of relative strength:

* Strength relative to bodyweight;

* Strength relative to their maximum or absolute strength (expressed as %1RM);

* Strength relative to the forces found within a given sport (ground reaction forces, for example).

Athletes obviously need both relative strength and absolute strength to be successful.

Perfect overhead squat technique

7) The variation of “stuff” that a kid can use to get stronger will yield more results than the traditional machines found in gyms. It is widely accepted that the more stimuli a child is exposed to, the greater the long term adaptations (which is why it is also a good idea to let your kids play as many sports as possible at a young age). The tools they get exposed to at ASF include:

* Dragging sleds

* Bands

* Medicine Balls

* Kettlebells/dumbells

* Tires

* Pneumatic resistance

* and of course bodyweight.

8) Puberty has a way of evening out the playing field at times; who was once the small, slow kid is now the fast, bigger kid. Once kids accept that puberty gives them the tools to get where they want to get, they can enjoy the process of learning how to do everything correctly. Personally, I was very small until 18 (135# as a senior in high school) and then in college put on muscle like I was on steroids! I know all of my years of free play and sports gave me the foundation to really take off (albeit after high school ended). So, parents and kids should trust in the natural, progressive way of the human body and be patient while building a neurological library of information.

9) Believe it or not, overweight kids thrive when it comes to strength training. It does not involve the things they are not good at, or do not like: running, jumping, teams, gym class, getting picked last in games, etc. It is one-on-one activity. The extra weight that has been a “burden” to this point actually prepares them to be somewhat stronger than average weight kids. I am not suggesting to become overweight to get stronger, but I am saying that if you cannot find the activity that suits you because of your size, try strength training. It will certainly lead to #10…

10) Let’s face it, getting stronger makes you perform better. It also improves your performaDSC_7136nce from the neck up by helping confidence, body image, self-esteem, discipline, pain tolerance and healthy competition (“what’s your bench?!”). I have seen kids in one hour improve their attitude just by increasing the amount of weight that they lifted compared to their previous session. That is priceless.

11) Similar to #10, I truly believe that kids can also become more aggressive with strength training. Sports are hard~physically, mentally and emotionally. Aggression can pull you through even the most challenging obstacles. Before I go further, my definition of aggression always involves sportsmanlike conduct, respect for the game and your opponents, and playing within the rules of the sport. Aggression does not imply fighting, cheating or bullying. It is a mental tool to use when needed: when you need to attack a defender, grab a loose ball, win the race, or always being ready. I use the word “aggression” quite often as I see more and more kids going through the motions but not really attacking that particular drill or exercise.

12) Finally, strength lays the foundation for longer term consequences. Statistically, most kids will not play sports in college and even fewer will become professional athletes. However, if strength training is introduced correctly at a young age, it can be done forever. Conversely, if it is used as punishment (“drop and give me 20!”), do you really think a child is going to want to do that voluntarily? We are in a position to affect not only the present, but the future and how healthy this generation becomes.

There you go….I am sure I missed a few, but these are the big ones. Now, GET STRONG!


photo 20Every now and then, we will devote an entire training session to playing various games.  While the casual observer may construe this as unproductive, a waste of time and a waste of money, we beg to differ.  If you would like to read our rationale, this post by Brian Macdonald is for you…

You, the parent, walk into Adrenaline a little earlier than you usually do to check and see how your kid is doing with their training.  You walk in, and all you see is a game being played.  You look at your watch and see there is still 30 minutes left; 30 minutes that should be devoted to hard work and training.  Instead, it seems to just be play time.  You think to yourself, “This is not what I am paying for.  I expect to see sweat, yelling, and hard work.”

The parent in this scenario happened to walk in to one of our “game days”.  I get it, you are paying money to see your kid work hard and achieve results from this training.  Playing games for an hour just doesn’t seem to be an effective use of time in getting your kid better.  This is just “horse play” for lack of a better word.  There is, however, a lot more going on under the surface of what you see.  Part of the experience at ASF is being rewarded for hard work.  When a group comes in and busts their butts day in and day out, they should be rewarded, beyond just me saying “great job”.  That is where a game day comes in.  Every couple of months, this happens with those groups who constantly exhibit a strong work ethic, positive attitude, and encouragement towards others.  It truly allows them to let loose and just have fun for an hour.
Some may say there is no benefit from playing games.  They could not be further from the truth.   Use Ultimate Frisbee as an example.  I encourage you, the parent, to truly watch and think about everything that their kid is doing in a game of frisbee, then compare it to what they are doing in their given sport.  I can guarantee you there are countless similarities.  At any given time during ultimate frisbee, there is acceleration, deceleration, change of direction, lateral and linear movements, not to mention hand-eye coordination, reaction time and anticipation.  All of which we work on everyday, just in a structured drill setting.  This allows them to practice everything we preach on a daily basis with speed and agility, but in a chaotic and reactive environment.  So before you jump on the “all work, no play” wagon, consider the WHY.  Remember, everything we do at ASF has purpose.
The concept behind game day is simple:  Positive reinforcement tells the athletes what they are doing is a good thing, making them more likely to exhibit that behavior in the future.  If I work hard, I will be rewarded.  STAY ACTIVE[icon name=”smile-o” class=””]

Core Values

This will not be another core exercises article. There are enough of those. The following represent our Core Values. As coaches, what you stand for is arguably more important than what you know. Here are the ASF Core Values:

1. Seek Continuous Improvement – Good Enough isn’t Good Enough.
2. Have Fun and Laugh Often.
3. Strive to Make a Difference with Each Person.
4. Sweat the Small Stuff – Everything Matters.
5. Communicate Your Thoughts.
6. Enjoy Your Work.
7. Have only Good Days and Great Days.
8. Underpromise and Overdeliver.
9. Care – It’s Not That Complicated.
10. Coach When Needed; Listen When Needed.
11. Have Integrity, Passion and Pride in What You Do.
12. Practice Humility – Know What You Know and Know What You Don’t Know.
13. Embrace Your Role as a Coach – You are in a More Powerful Position than You Realize.
14. Evolve as a Coach – Critically Analyze New Ideas and Concepts and Determine Their Value and Place.
15. Be (a) Professional.
16. Practice Productivity: Help as many people as possible in as many ways as possible as often as possible.


Nutrition Tips for Athletes

Recently I gave a talk to a varsity football team. Here are the Big Rocks. They could apply to any athlete, or any person, for that matter.

1. Eat protein every meal.
2. Choose one-ingredient foods as often as possible.
3. Pack your lunch as often as possible.
4. Choose nutrient dense foods over calorie-dense foods; however, enjoy your favorite foods from time to time.
5. Your most important meal of the day is _______________. (Answer: The next one)
6. Never go more than 4 (waking) hours without calories.
7. Food first, supplements second. If you are going to use supplements, do your homework. A solid foundation would include a multivitamin/multimineral, protein powder (if warranted), and creatine (if allowed). Check with your parents and coaches if there are restrictions, limitations or concerns regarding supplement use.
8. Eat as soon as you can in the morning.
9. Carry food with you at school.
10. Be honest with yourself: Are you “big” or are you overweight? Be as lean as needed for your sport/position but no leaner. Be as big as needed for your sport/position but no bigger.
11. Hydrate. Count all sources of liquid to get to your desired hydration status, with the majority from water. If your urine is lemonade-colored or clear, you are hydrated.
12. There are no “off days” from nutrition. Weekends are just as important as weekdays; training days are just as important as non-training days.
13. The Unholy trinity: Fat, Sugar and Salt.
14. Food is what you see, smell and taste; nutrition is what happens next.
15. Think of nutrition like this: If you took a magic pill that would make you a better student, a better athlete and have the physique you desire, would you take it? Nutrition can make you think better, perform better and look better!

Coaching Styles – Creating a Balance

I am sure that many of you have had coaches that you could never forget and you consider family, and other coaches that you can’t even bear to hear their name.  There are so many different coaching styles and they work for different athletes.  There are the coaches who do not have a lower tone than a yell, and there are coaches who you would never hear them raise their voice.  I am not saying there is one coaching style that will work for everyone.  Every athlete is different and requires different coaching cues to succeed.  I believe that there are certain traits that every coach should have. They need to be able to listen to their athletes, learn from their athletes, share their knowledge, and create a comfortable and fun environment.  I believe that at our facility, all of our coaches have these traits.

At Adrenaline, there is Tony, Brian, and myself.  We each have very different coaching styles, but that is a reason I believe we do so well together.  We each have a common goal of helping our athletes improve while having fun at the same time.  Each athlete that comes to our facility is different and having three different coaching styles and personalities, I believe, will help that athlete succeed.  By having different styles, one of us might be really focused on form, while another one of the coaches really pushes the athlete to work harder.  We each have our personalities but we also have a balance between us.  It is also a great learning tool to watch other coaches and see what works for them and what doesn’t work.  They might notice something with the athlete that you never even thought about.  One’s coaching style will most likely keep changing and growing from experience.  There is not a right or wrong coaching style, but there should be a common goal.  Don’t ever stop learning and getting better each and every day.

Technology Epidemic and Our Youth

Just take a look at the following facts and statistics taken via

Physical Activity

  • Only one in three children are physically active every day.1
  • Children now spend more than seven and a half hours a day in front of a screen (e.g., TV, video games, computer).7
  • Only about one in five homes have parks within a half-mile, and about the same number have a fitness or recreation center within that distance.5
  • Only 6 states (Illinois, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York and Vermont) require physical education in every grade, K-12.22
  • Nearly one-third of high school students play video or computer games for 3 or more hours on an average school day.24
  • Resources can be found Here

I remember the days of being a kid, and the typical day was as follows: go to school, get home and finish homework, out the door to go play some pick up games of just about anything. Anything that involved being outside whether it was playing games, riding my bike, messing around in the creek, etc. In short, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. Fast forward to now, and here is the typical summer day I hear: got up at about 11:00 a.m., played Xbox for about 3 hours, then came here (Adrenaline). I see 10 year old kids who can work an Ipad better than me but have no clue what kick ball or capture the flag is. Technology certainly has improved productivity in modern society, but has also made our youth LAZY AS HELL. It is truly an epidemic and it does not help that schools are beginning to remove their P.E. programs eliminating any chance for physical activity. My job as a strength and conditioning coach certainly is performance enhancement, but it is also to improve overall health via physical activity. Seeing these statistics and hearing most of the conversations from young athlete to athlete talking about video games is alarming to me. With that being said, parents and coaches (myself included) need to step up and make a difference. These statistics are simply unacceptable and simple play needs to be re-established as a major activity in the lives of our youth population. Lets make a change and, of course, STAY ACTIVE!

Women Who Weight Train Get Bulky….True or False

I have heard too many times from women that they are scared to weight train because they will look manly or bulky.  This is completely false.  There are so many mistakes that women make in the gym because they don’t know anything other than what female magazines tell them.  Women love to focus on cardio and ab exercises, when in reality this could be ruining the physique they are striving for.  There are so many articles out there that share the mistakes women make in the weight room and give great exercises program ideas.  One article that I love focuses on these mistakes and how to correct them.  Check it out!

How To P.L.A.Y.

Over a year ago, we started our first 6-9 year old program at Adrenaline Sports and Fitness.  Our program is called P.L.A.Y., which stands for Playful Lessons Aimed at Youth, and I am honored to be the coach for these wonderful children.  In our program we focus on coordination, object manipulation, body awareness, and balance through game based activities.  There are so many parents these days that want their children to start training at a young age.  I believe that our program is a great way for these young children to learn athletic movement patterns while still having fun.  Children at this age are just starting to figure out how to move their bodies and what works and what doesn’t work.  This is a time for them to move their bodies in ways they haven’t before.  They are having such a great time playing games and having fun that they don’t even realize they are sweating until the class is over.  This is one of my favorite classes to work with because they have the most energy and are so eager to learn new things.

Not only is it an amazing thing watching them grow each week, it has also greatly improved my coaching.  There is a huge difference in coaching high school athletes and 6-9 year old athletes.  When coaching such young athletes, one has to be able to change the program design on a dime.  They have such a short attention span, so if something is not going the way one planned, one has to be able to change it quickly and effectively.  It has made me such a versatile coach and has helped me with coaching all of our athletes.  For me the best part of coaching is that they are also teaching me new things each and every day!


Weight Training Youth Athletes

I often hear from parents of young athletes, “I don’t think I want my kid weight training, it’s just too early and not safe.” The reality of it is, however, quite the opposite. If anything, we are not starting them early enough and preparing them for the sudden strength training demands of high school athletics.  With the focus being on technique and movement patterns rather than weight, young athletes will be well prepared for the demands to come at the high school level.  Shane Nelson, who earned a masters degree in sports science and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist at the high school level, explains why it is so important to start kids early with weight training. Enjoy and stay active!!

Building Youth Weight Training Programs