Attitude is everything – Neil Platt

The first two parts of this three part mini-series brought us two important topics: habits and values. While these two topics are important when it comes to living a happy, healthy life, there is another equally, if not more, important topic to discuss: Attitude. Attitude is defined simply as a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something that is typically reflected in a person’s behavior. It is our attitude that determines the world we live in. Think of the outside world as a mirror reflecting our internal attitude. A positive attitude generally leads to a positive experience in life. A negative attitude can lead to a gloomy, “woe-is-me” existence. Put another way, your attitude is the driving force behind your journey in life. We all have a desire to live a long, healthy, happy life full of great experience’s with great people. However, most people fail to realize we hold the key to a successful life-it is our attitude.

The world we live in is a reflection of the attitude we present to the world, not the other way around. Most people adopt the notion that the world treated me a certain way so my attitude will reflect that. This line of thinking is backwards. The world doesn’t play favorites. It does not care who “wins” or who “loses.” It simply moves forward one day at a time regardless of how we feel about it. The truth is, the world around us, the people we come into contact with, our successes or failures in life are a direct reflection of our attitude. Think about those whom you come into contact with on a daily basis. The ones who have a better attitude tend to be those that are more successful (not just financially, there are a lot of rich people out there that have awful attitudes). If we want to change the environment in which we live, we must first change our attitude towards our environment. It is foolish to expect something to change if we continue to do the same things. Life is a pretty simple system of cause and effect. If I want a promotion at work, I need to step up and work harder. If I want to lose weight, I need to get off the couch and stop eating bon-bons. A great attitude that says I expect to be successful will most likely lead to a successful outcome.

I recently read an article about the great NBA legend Larry Bird. For those who don’t know, Larry Bird is one of the best basketball players of all-time. He is also one of the most confident individuals to ever walk the planet. Part of what made Bird so great was his affinity for clutch time performances. He had a knack for always making the big play when his team needed it the most. When most people would feel pressure from big time situations, he had no problem rising up and making the big shot. When a reporter once asked Larry how he knew all of the clutch shots he took would go in, he responded, “Cuz I was the one taking ‘em.” His attitude was one of confidence and expecting success. He expected nothing less than a successful outcome, and more often than not, he got it.
A great attitude can lead some great things in life. Most successful people have great attitudes. Try building a spaceship and flying to the moon with a poor attitude towards your work.  It isn’t going to happen. The great thing about your attitude is just that, it is yours and you are 100% in control of it, much like your effort. Like most things, building a great attitude starts with practice. You should start developing the habit of having a great attitude in any situation. Don’t allow the world to frustrate you, remember it is a reflection of your attitude. Don’t dwell on past failures, or regrets. Instead, start today moving forward with a positive attitude towards life. Expect to be successful in whatever it is you do. Greatness will not just be handed to you. You have to work for it and it starts with a great attitude.

Values – What do you stand for? – Neil Platt

Part two of this three part blog series covers another important topic: values. Your values are the principles or standards you live your life by. They should play an integral role in determining what is important to you and what decisions to make devilangelwhen faced with difficult life choices. When your actions are aligned with your values, life is generally pretty good. Overall, you are a much happier and content person. When your actions and behaviors get out of whack with your core values, things can go wrong. Unhappiness is usually the result of your actions not reflecting your core values. Being able to identify your values and having the inner fortitude to live them out are crucial to being happy. Having a firm understanding of your values will allow you to confidently answer life’s tough questions.
Identifying your values can be a difficult thing. How many of you actually know what your core values are? We all have a general sense of what is right and what is wrong but your decisions need to be guided by more than a general understanding of good and bad. What I consider to be a core value may be different than what you believe in. These slight differences can lead to different outcomes in a given situation and can lead to happiness for one person, or distress for another. To identify your values you really need to dive into the nitty-gritty of what makes you tick. Think back to different times in life when you have had to make a difficult decision and figure out what about those decisions made you the happiest, most proud, and most fulfilled. Be totally honest and transparent with yourself. Self reflection can be uncomfortable but it is important to get to the root of what makes you unique.
Once you have established the nuts and bolts of what makes you tick, there is another major step:  You must articulate your values as verbs, not nouns. Saying that you are trustworthy is great, but it is not actionable. If instead you say you are someone others can rely on as honest and truthful, you have taken a word and given it a life of its own. Turning your values into a set of action statements makes them much richer and provides more context. It helps you truly understand what is at the root of who you are and what you believe in. Action statements allow you to apply your values to any situation with more conviction and it gives you a better understanding of why you feel a certain way. One of my core values is to practice what I preach. I want everyone to live a long, healthy life and as a strength coach and trainer, I preach it all day long so I better practice it. I have days when I do not want to train and I fall off the diet wagon but I do my best to get back up and try again because it is something I truly believe in. I can’t just say “don’t be a hypocrite”- instead, practice what you preach.
Here is my challenge to you: take some time, sit down and really think about what it is you hold dear to your heart. What do you really believe in? Don’t come up with the Miss Universe answer, but be completely honest and transparent with yourself. Once you have done this, make your core values actionable. Take the time to write them down somewhere. Put them down on paper, tell your spouse or loved ones, tell me if you want to, I would love to hear about your journey on this one. I hope you find this useful and as always, if I can help you in any way please do not hesitate to ask!

Habits – Neil Platt

For most, a new year usually begins with a resolution or two. The term resolution is simply a decision to do or not to do something. Tony recently added a blog that went into great detail about New Year’s resolutions and you can check that out here. This blog isn’t necessarily about New Year’s resolutions and whether or not they’re worth it or ideas on how to stick to your resolution this year. I want to keep it simple and talk about one thing: habits.
A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur photo 10unconsciously– we just do things. Some of these things are good, some are not so good. We all have a pretty good idea of what habits are good for us and what habits are bad. A New Year’s resolution usually revolves around removing a bad habit:

“This year I want to quit smoking.”

“This year I will stop eating fast food.”

Identifying a bad habit and verbalizing that you know it is bad is a big step in the right direction. However, a bad habit can’t just be removed, it must be replaced. Simply saying that you want to quit smoking or eating fast food more does not give you an actionable plan. tumblr-greatest-hits-ny-resolution-booboo

My big habit change this year is to be more frugal in how/where I spend my money. In order to accomplish this habit change I have downloaded an app on my phone that tracks where I am spending my money and lays it out in front of me to see. Rather than spending money frivolously on unnecessary things, I will be saving those dollars in a retirement account (getting older one day at a time!). I have verbalized a bad habit (frivolous spending), I am replacing the bad habit with a good one (retirement account), and I’ve got an actionable plan (phone app) to help see it through. Removing a bad habit like frivolous spending, or smoking, or being sedentary leaves a big void that must be replaced by a good habit.
Here is my challenge to you:  Start small. Start with a small habit change you know you will accomplish before moving onto a bigger one. Having your big changes in mind is important but let’s build some confidence in making changes before we tackle the big ones.  Here are three easy examples:

Drink more water.

Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than normal.

Add one (more) vegetable to my daily food intake.

I hope you found this somewhat helpful and I would love to hear what your plans are to make some simple habit changes in your life. Progress, not perfection!

Leave a comment for us or talk to one of the coaches in person at ASF, we’re always here to chat! If there is anything I can to do help you accomplish a habit change, please do not hesitate to ask!

New Year’s Resolutions: Are they worth it?

Here are a few opinions on the subject:  The first one is by Burpee fanatic, Chas Brown, resident all-around good guy from ASF; the second is from a popular website called T-Nation; the third is from Tony Poggiali.


Chas Brown:

If you review the ASF Core Values, you will see the very first value is: Seek Continuous Improvement – Good Enough isn’t Good Enough.Kaizen-2.svg
With that in mind it is that time of year where many of us will make New Year’s Resolutions!
In case you don’t know: A New Year’s resolution is a tradition in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year’s Day.
The practice of Resolutions has religious origins: Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named. In the Medieval era, the knights took the “peacock vow” at the end of the Christmas season each year to re-affirm their commitment to chivalry.
Popular goals include resolutions to:
Improve physical well-being: eat healthy food, lose weight, exercise more, eat better, drink less alcohol, quit smoking, stop biting nails, get rid of old bad habits.
Improve mental well-being: think positive, laugh more often, enjoy life.
Improve finances: get out of debt, save money, make small investments.
Improve career: perform better at current job, get a better job, establish own business.
Improve self: become more organized, reduce stress, be less grumpy, manage time, be more independent, perhaps watch less television, play fewer sitting-down video games.
Volunteer to help others, practice life skills, use civic virtue, give to charity, volunteer to work part-time in a charity organization.
The Success Rate is for resolutions are low. The most common reason for participants failing their New Years’ Resolutions was setting unrealistic goals (35%), while 33% didn’t keep track of their progress and a further 23% forgot about it. A 2007 study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study’s participants were confident of success at the beginning.
So how do we continue to seek continuous improvement if we are not very good at keeping resolutions? The Center for Well-Being conducted a massive study on the topic of daily actions important in well-being:


With the people around you. With family, friends, colleagues and
neighbors. At home, work, school or in your local community. Think of
these as the cornerstones of your life and invest time in developing them.
Building these connections will support and enrich you every day.

Be active……

Go for a walk or run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance.
Exercising makes you feel good. Most importantly, discover a physical
activity you enjoy and that suits your level of mobility and fitness.

Take Notice…..

Be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the
changing seasons. Savor the moment, whether you are walking to work,
eating lunch or talking to friends. Be aware of the world around you and
what you are feeling. Reflecting on your experiences will help you
appreciate what matters to you.

Keep Learning….

Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course.
Take on a different responsibility at work. Fix a bike. Learn to play an
Instrument or how to cook your favorite food. Set a challenge you will enjoy
Achieving. Learning new things will make you more confident as well as
being fun.


Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone. Smile.
Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Look out, as well as in.
Seeing yourself, and your happiness, linked to the wider community can be
incredibly rewarding and creates connections with the people around you.

Source: Wikipedia, Center for Well-Being, and Me



Chris Shugart of T-Nation says….

The typical advice about goal setting goes something like this: Set a goal and then tell lots of people about it. That will keep you accountable. The problem? It seldom works. In fact, it can have the opposite effect.

Why Talking About Your Goals Doesn’t Work

Multiple psychological studies, some going back as far as 1927, back this up. But here’s the gist: When you tell someone about your goal, you get a sense of satisfaction and even a little tingling sense of achievement. Your mind becomes somewhat content, as if you’ve already achieved that goal. Announcing the goal makes you feel closer to achieving it even though you haven’t actually done any work yet.

Psychologists call this a problem of “social reality” or “social acknowledgment.” You’ve identified with an end goal successkidand get a little smug about the thing you haven’t done yet. Now you’re less likely to do the work. This is also known as having a premature sense of completeness.

Imagine the guy with the Tapout shirt telling everyone he’s going to be an MMA champ. Makes him feel like a badass. He’s already adopted that identity in his mind, and well, he’s got the T-shirt! Problem is, he’s never even trained for it, doesn’t know even one martial art much less a mixed variety, and he’s horribly out of shape. Socially and mentally he’s a mixed martial artist. In reality, he’s just a fan with delusions of grandeur and bad taste in T-shirts.

A Better Method

First, you can keep your mouth shut. Resist the urge to talk about your goal. Delay the sense of gratification. Be the person that achieves cool things, not the person who talks about achieving cool things and never does. Or do as Derek Sivers says: go ahead and talk about your goal but do so in way that doesn’t give you much satisfaction. Two examples:

My goal is to stop drinking sodas. It’s going to suck.

My goal is to bench press 400 pounds. It’ll take a year or more of intense effort and smart programming.

Or Maybe Other People Just Suck

Another problem: people are assholes. Or at least a lot of them are. They’re dealing with their own inner whirlwind of doubts and insecurities, and when someone decides to do something great, well, that hurts their wittle feelings.

They usually won’t blatantly discourage your aspirations, but they will do it in more subtle ways: little comments or small actions that cause you to waver. Tell your coworker your goal is to lose ten pounds and sure enough she’ll shove a cookie in your face the next week because, “You deserve a reward.” The bitch.

Better to keep your mouth closed, do your thing, and celebrate your actual achievements, not your make-believe good intentions.



Tony Poggiali opines…

I have written goals off and on for the better part of three decades.  I can’t unequivocally say that writing them down had lead to a better year any more than NOT writing down lead to a bad year.  Ambition comes from different sources, some written, some thought about, some at the beginning of a year, some in the middle of traffic.  The point is striving toward something that leads to something!  Just because you feel warm and fuzzy about your bucket list for 2016 doesn’t mean anything unless you go forth and produce.  However, it may be the kick in the ass you need when you take time to write specific, tangible, and realistic goals/accomplishments/objectives and refer to them often to track your progress.

I don’t have a strong opinion either way as different people are wired to be “writers” and others “thinkers” or some combination of both.  Whatever mode you choose, embrace it and make it mean something!

What are your thoughts for next year?  Write down goals?  Keep them to yourself?  Tell everyone so you are accountable?

PS  The Challenge is right the corner, so maybe that is the kickstart you need!

Mindset of Young Athletes

The following is an excerpt from John O’Sullivan’s excellent book Changing the Game.  If you would like to see more about his book, or Carol’s Dweck’s Mindset book, links are provided at the end.

The influence of state of mind on performance has been confirmed through decades of research by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck. She has discovered that beyond talent, intent, and actions, a person’s approach and what she calls “mindset” play a tremendous role in achievement and performance. Dweck has discovered that people have either a fixed or a growth mindset when it comes to performance. The view a person adopts profoundly affects the way she lives her life, how she performs, and what she accomplishes.
Fixed-mindset individuals believe that their abilities and qualities are carved in stone and that every activity is a test of one’s innate, unchangeable ability. Whether it be in the classroom, on the athletic field, or in a relationship, fixed-mindset individuals view every situation as a confirmation of their intelligence, ability, character, and even their personality. Challenges are to be avoided, obstacles are reasons to give up, criticism is ignored, effort is worthless, and the success of others is threatening. Fixed-mindset people do not believe in growth, only validation. You’ve either got it or you don’t!

Here are some things that fixed-mindset people say:
“I don’t play much. I am just not a good soccer player.”
“I failed the test. I won’t ever understand algebra.”
“I am not an artist. My brother got all the artistic genes in our family.”

Do any of these sound familiar? Do you know anyone whose every failure is a repudiation of his ability? Do you see a player who has potential but is not applying himself? “Why even try?” says the fixed mindset person. “I am just not good and never can be.” On the other hand, Dweck has discovered that growth-mindset individuals believe that one’s abilities are starting points and that talents are capable of being cultivated, nurtured, and developed. Effort, commitment, risk, failure, and disappointment are all components of development and not a reflection of permanent traits. Everything is a part of the journey, and every success or failure is a reflection upon where one is today, not where one might be tomorrow with some effort and application. As a result, challenges are embraced, effort is the path to
accomplishment, criticism is helpful, persistence is celebrated, and the success of others is inspiring.

Hopefully we have heard some growth-mindset statements from our kids:
“If I’m going to break into the starting lineup, I need to practice
harder and more often.”
“I got a C. I need to do some more studying for our next test.”
“Wow! That was the most challenging practice we ever had. I like our
new coach!”

Growth-mindset individuals love challenges, take risks, try new things, and focus on the process—not the outcome—of achievement activities. Through her research, Dweck has developed a series of mindset workshops and tested her theories on students of all ages. In one of her studies, she taught a portion of a class a fixed-mindset approach (the brain does not develop, skill is innate and cannot be learned, etc.), while others were led to adopt a growth-mindset approach (this can be learned, ability can be developed). Over eight sessions, both groups of students were taught study skills and how to apply them to learning challenging new concepts. Their teachers were not told which kids were in which group, but they were asked for feedback on student performance. Throughout the study, teachers singled out far more students in the growth-mindset group for making huge progress in both their motivation and improvement. At semester’s end, Dweck looked at the students’ grades in math. The growth-mindset group showed an improvement and was far more inspired to learn and put forth effort. The students in the fixed-mindset group did not improve their grades. In spite of receiving everything the growth group did, except for the growth-mindset training, their motivation to learn and apply their new study skills did not change. Their mindset held them back!
From toddlers to adults, Dweck’s results are astounding and consistent. Every study confirmed that the growth-mindset individuals learned more, demonstrated more improvement in testing, challenged themselves more often, and enjoyed themselves more than the fixed mindset groups. Every time! The highest-performing athletes are likely to have a growth mindset when it comes to sports. Of course, young athletes and even pros may perform well on a fixed mindset, but they will never reach their true potential. They will constantly seek validation and need to prove themselves instead of focusing upon improving themselves. In the long run, they will be surpassed by those athletes with a proper growth oriented state of mind.
The great news is that mindsets can be changed. Dweck has developed workshops and exercises that help students, athletes, and others adopt a growth-oriented mindset. Sometimes it is as simple as watching a short video on how the brain grows and develops throughout life. Other times it is simple statements of praise that have the desired effect. Once people are open to the possibility that nothing is fixed, they can get on with
learning and performing their best.

John O’ Sullivan’s site

Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset

Personal nutrition

Everybody has heard of personal training.  It is ubiquitous in every gym.  You join, they set up an appointment with a trainer, you discuss goals, frequency, duration, training history, time of day, etc.  It is the “personal” part of personal training.  You get a training card with your exact routine:

  • If you want to gain muscle, it is probably a body part split, with reps between 8-12, 3-4 days/week.
  • If you want to get super strong, it is a powerlifting style, with lower reps and heavy weight.
  • If you want to burn fat, it may be a metabolic style with several exercises grouped together with the goal of burning calories.
  • If you “want it all”, it is a total body routine that is repeated 3-4 days/week.

Could the same be said for “personalizing” your nutrition?  If you read ten different books, each with their own twist on how be lean, eat healthy and look/feel your best, you would likely be more confused than ever.  So, if we take the time to write up exercises, design programs and teach proper form, exercise progressions, recovery methods, etc, shouldn’t we treat nutrition pretty much the same?

Personalized nutrition is as much science as it is art.  Training methodologies work for the vast majority of trainees; the same cannot be said for nutrition.  It is much more about the person and how they need to eat than training.  For example, Brian and myself have extremely fast metabolisms and are afforded the “luxury” of eating whatever we want.  While it works for us, it is not recommended for everybody.  Others simply have to look at food and they gain weight.  It comes down to experimenting with several different habits, not diets, until you find the formula that works.

So, you may be wondering, “How can this work for me”?  It is a two part process:

Part 1 – Develop habits.

Part 2 – Experiment, refine and repeat those habits.

Here are a few habits to consider:


In the past, I have been guilty of taking more about diet/nutrition than building habits that include nutrition, but are not grounded in nutrition.  Some of the habits above (journalling, gratitude, planning) are not directly about food but about a habit involving food.  They could also be about anything else in your life!

There is not a “one-size-fits-all” answer when it comes to nutrition.  It is a never ending questSpeedBump to learn as much as you can about your own unique physiology, brain chemistry, metabolism, genetics, and digestion among other factors.  The key is to never give up the journey to find your formula to personalize your nutrition.

If you would like to chat more about this topic, let us know and we can go down the rabbit hole together until we find the answers!


Men’s health month…quick tips for the fellers

Men’s health (month) is more than just growing a beard, tonybeardit is a time to bring to light the fact that we are just plain bad about taking care of ourselves. Here are some quick tips compiled by the ASF staff:

  • Sleep more.  Among the epidemics sweeping the nation, sleep deprivation is near the top.  In fact, there is a strong correlation between lack of sleep and obesity (which will make the list also).  See where Ohio ranks and the connection between lack of sleep and gaining weight.  Clearly, this is a big deal.
  • Get regular annual or biannual physicals, especially if over 40.  Areas include optimal hormone levels, blood lipids, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar/glucose, prostate health, stress test, etc.  Be as proactive as possible when it comes to health and longevity.
  • Reduce belly fat.  Abdominal obesity increases your chance of heart disease and can largely be prevented by reducing/eliminating alcohol and refined carbohydrates.
  • Be the best son/father/brother you can be.
  • Get rid of your ego.   We get it:  Part of making a man, a man is ego.  You are a bad-ass and you want the world to notice.  Notice has been taken, so dial it down a few notches.  Show some humility every now and then.
  • Give more, take less.
  • Include multiple days of strength training per week, every week.  Fomodern-world-caricature-illustrations-steve-cutts-6rever.
  • Quit chasing money.  Start chasing greatness.
  • De-stress.  Stress may be a part of life, but too much can slowly eat away at your health and happiness.  Meditate.  Practice deep breathing.  Smile.  Be kind.  Give and expect nothing back.  Play.  Laugh.
  • Live your legacy.  Don’t wait until your funeral for people to notice your worth and contribution to the world.  Do it now!
  • Pay it forward.  Similar to the above, if you can help any one at any time do any thing, you have an obligation to do that.  Pass on your knowledge and wisdom when the circumstances warrant.
  • Ask for direction if you’re lost.
  • Ask for directions if you’re lost.
  • Increase your heart rate via activity/exercise/movement every day for at least 15 minutes.
  • Stay true to your core values.  If you have not thought about what they are and/or not written them down, try it before the end of the month.  It was a game changer for our business and my life.
  • Dude, eat some vegetables!modern-world-caricature-illustrations-steve-cutts-7
  • Unplug, especially an hour before you (want to) go to sleep.

There are certainly more than the above.  Stay tuned for more quick tips in a few weeks!


I have been really thinking about what the culture is, and should be, at ASF.  While it is hard to define, it may be the most important IMG_20141206_142204_930_1component of a business.  Most businesses have Mission Statements and some even have Vision Statements, but what about a Culture Statement?  While these are more of a brain dump than a true statement, it was too hard to narrow it down…so, here goes nothin!

  • A physically active lifestyle is more important than exercise (there is a difference).
  • Everyone is an athlete, they just don’t know it yet.
  • ASF is a playground, not a training facility.
  • We are successful if we can move people from needing activity DSC_0065to choosing activity to loving activity.


  • Each class/session has the following three goals attached to it (stolen from Mike Boyle):
    • Did they have fun?
    • Did they learn something?
    • Do they want to come back?
  • Fun is a prerequisite for all coaches.
  • The biggest thrill we get as coaches is to help people discover their Awesomeness.



  • Our business plan is centered around our Core Values; on people, not numbers.
  • We encourage everyone to be their authentic self inside these four walls.
  • We are dialed-in on who on we are a good fit for, however, we are not for everyone.
  • We understand the power of a collective group of like-minded individuals who can forge personal relationships into a community.  We love the Tribe that ASF has become and welcome the opportunity to have us in your life and to have you in our family.


Glutes = horsepower (part 1 of 2) – Brian Macdonald

Any athlete who has been to Adrenaline for performance enhancement training can tell you there’s a heavy dose of glute work in just about every training session. Hip thrusts, band hip abductions and glute bridges are just a few of many examples of what you might see athletes performing. On the flip side, new athletes usually have a look of absolute confusion or shock when we show them how to do a hip thrust. “I have to do what!!?? Why???”. The gluteus maximus is the single largest muscle in our body, but the majority of people do not use them correctly or know how to activate their muscle group known collectively as the glutes. It is also critical when it comes to athletic performance.

So why do we put so much emphasis on glute training? First and foremost, strong glutes directly help to improve posture. All of the athletes we train, and certainly a great number of adults we train, are stuck at a desk or driving the majority of the day. This is a recipe for tight hip flexors, over stretched weak hip extensors and dysfunctional glute activation. All of this contributes to poor posture and associated chronic low back pain. By strengthening the glutes in conjunction with stretching the hip flexors, we can pull the pelvis back alleviating the common issues caused by a constant anterior (front) pelvic tilt. Second, and probably most importantly, is injury prevention. I previously hit on the importance of glutes and how they collectively support the low back, but lets talk about how it can affect the lower body. The glutes are hip stabilizers as well, which means when weak, can completely screw up our lower body alignment. If we don’t have proper alignment from the hips to the knees, this can make us more prone to ACL sprains, iliotibial band syndrome, tendonitis, etc. This will obviously trickle down the kinetic chain to our lower legs and ankles. Injuries such as Achilles ruptures, medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints), even ankle sprains can become more likely due to improper alignment stemming at the hips and weak glutes. Lastly, we have their contribution to athletic performance. As the title suggests, our gluteal muscles are collectively the strongest muscles in the body. They are able to produce massive amounts of force which is directly related to how fast we can run and how high we can jump. The more powerful we are with hip extension, the more we can propel our bodies forward, laterally, and vertically.
It should be clear that training and strengthening our glutes is a critical component of all protocols we implement at Adrenaline, whether it is an athlete with a goal of increasing their vertical jump and 40 yard dash, or an adult with the goal of living a more active lifestyle. Hopefully, this helps answer the question I know so many people have either asked, or are thinking:  Why do we train the glutes so damn much?

Part two will go into some specific exercises, why we use them, who they are for and how to properly execute.

Random Thoughts (September 2015)

Every now and then, we will drop some quick bits of info that are more just thoughts than a complete blog post.  If there is enough interest, we can then develop specific topics at a later time. (The coaches name is in parentheses who submitted the idea)

  1. I used to be skeptical about Probiotic supplements, but no more.  Although the jury is alignout about their efficacy, there is no denying the branch of science that deals with the microbiome living in side us.  If we can nurture and feed those little critters, we are so much healthier for doing so. (Tony)
  2. Some of you know I have a serious left shoulder issue and will likely need surgery sooner than later.  I am delaying it as long as possible, and recently tried dry needling with positive results so far.  Here is where I go. (Tony)
  3. I recently joined a gym as it is very hard to train at ASF…too many distractions.  What I have seen has re-confirmed our coaching style as the biggest difference compared to that of a commercial gym environment. (Tony)
  4. By far, the coolest part of our day is getting to know everyone’s story.  The diversity of adults and kids never makes a dull moment!  Thank you for sharing your lives with us. (Tony)
  5. We will be sending out a beta version of a new service, called Progress Reports, to a few parents as a test to see how it goes over.  It is a way to track the progress of your son or daughter as they move through our program. (Tony)
  6. I still don’t know what “in shape” means. (Tony)
  7. Have we forgotten the power of play?  This week, we had just finished our 5:00 class, and per usual a few kids stuck around to play the next warm-up game with the incoming 6:15 class. This happens quite often, but it never really struck me until I chose not to participate and just observed. I instantly noticed the pure joy on each kid’s face and how for some, this is the highlight of their day. The other thing that sticks out is how much “speed and agility” training is present within these games. This is the best form of speed and agility training you can ask for:  a chaotic and reactive environment. I may step in for a few seconds to tell an athlete how they could have been more effective on that play, but a lot of it is self exploration and problem solving on their own. I can give them the tools to work with (technique), but it is up to them to implement and utilize these tools I have provided in this chaotic environment they have to perform in. (Brian)
  8. Keep it simple.  I often hear the question “when can I use those cool parachutes?”, or “when do I get to run with sleds for an hour?”. This goes back to the concept of what people think we do compared to what we actually do. Our philosophy is hammer the fundamentals, and everything else will follow. Every championship caliber team we see in sports all have one thing in common, and that is fundamentals. They have practiced the basics over and over and over until mastery is achieved. The basics are our foundation to athletic development. Without our foundation, our structure will collapse. If there is one thing my athletes will know before their training is finished at ASF, it is the fundamentals of movement. (Brian)
  9. We have one of the few jobs around where we look forward to Mondays and are sad when it’s Friday.  Most people have the opposite feeling. (Tony)
  10. More is Less. I’ve really taken this statement to heart recently and I have been more productive over the past few weeks than I have been in awhile. Simply by committing to fewer things, removing projects from my “to-do” list, and lowering my training volume I’ve gotten more done, and actually gotten stronger. By focusing my energy on one to three main things, I’ve been getting more done. (Neil)
  11. Doing stuff versus getting stuff done. Tony brought this up a few weeks ago and it has been an absolute game changer of an idea for me. No longer am I just running around doing things, I’m doing fewer things at a time but getting them done. Checked off the list done, not just started and set aside. The example he used was running on a treadmill versus running outside; you’re still running, but outside you’re actually getting somewhere. (Neil)
  12. You are awesome! Seriously, you all are. M2 classes, strength school, athlete’s alike, you absolute kill it every single day. You inspire me to continue to train my hardest even when I don’t feel like it. Seeing you psycho’s at 5:30am is crazy inspiring and I love it! Keep up the good work everyone! (Neil)